Putin’s ploy
Chess is the national sport of Russia. It is, therefore, as Soviet Communists like Vladimir Putin used to say, "no...
Chess is the national sport of Russia. It is, therefore, as Soviet Communists like Vladimir Putin used to say, "no...
By Colin Crowley Recently, the United States military announced a new addition to its cyber library: www.eucom.mil/africom, the web address of...
In this paper, CSP Research Associate Randy Wanis explores the problems and possibilities of democracy promotion in the Middle East. ...
Blind Wilsonian idealism is bad enough, but isolation and defeatism are worse. Both critics and supporters of US President George W....
What do Russian President Vladimir Putin, spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, political activist Lyndon LaRouche and former U.S. Secretary of...
After years of intermittent engagement, China's 50-year relationship with the African continent has accelerated recently, with discussions on issues including...
The Law of the Sea Treaty will impede the U.S.'s ability to defend its interests in time of war.President Bush...
Echoes of "slam dunk" so vex former Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet that he has written a book....
The following article, by Senator John Kyl (R-AZ), appeared today in the National Review Online. Senator Kyl was the Center's...
In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President George Bush used the term "Axis of Evil" to describe the...
A new political danger is on the rise in Latin America. At the grass roots, there are a swelling number...
A new political danger is on the rise in Latin America. At the grass roots, there are a swelling number...
It was so, well, Soviet. This weekend's news clips showed Russian goon squads charging courageous opponents of an authoritarian Kremlin, truncheons...
Iranian gunboats on patrol in the Persian Gulf. The following article by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, Wayne Simmons, and...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is clearly one of those women who want it all. In her case though, this...
The following is a thematic excerpt from Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War, the new book by...