Douglas Murray on Democracy & Dangers in Egypt
HERZLIYA, ISRAEL– I’m at the 11th annual conference on Israel’s national security at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzlyia, a...
HERZLIYA, ISRAEL– I’m at the 11th annual conference on Israel’s national security at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzlyia, a...
As the threats against Israel mount from all directions, the job of the IDF Chief of General Staff is becoming...
Like ordinary folks, presidents of the United States are known by the company they keep. It is a test of...
As we follow the unfolding story in Egypt, we are torn between hope and fear -- hope that democracy will...
Today the Egyptian regime faces its gravest threat since Anwar Sadat's assassination 30 years ago. As protesters take to the...
For Israelis, the American Left's assault on Sarah Palin and the conservative movement in the wake of Jared Loughlin's murderous...
Israel is today in the throes of a powerful backlash against the Knesset's decision last week to establish a parliamentary...
On Sunday, the southern Sudanese began voting on a referendum to secede from the Republic of Sudan and establish their...
On Sunday December 19, the self-proclaimed "Israeli human rights" group B'Tselem disseminated a shocking story to the local and international...
The Israeli Left was once an optimistic place. But that is no longer the case. It once promised peace and...
On Sunday thousands of Israel haters gathered in Istanbul to welcome the Turkish-Hamas terror ship Mavi Marmara to the harbor....
Over the past week, two writers published columns in foreign newspapers. One received wall to wall coverage in Israel. The...
Making the rounds on YouTube these days is a film of a group of manly looking women preparing for and...
Israelis can be excused for wondering why Brazil and Argentina unexpectedly announced they recognize an independent Palestinian state with its...
Imagine if 100 million Americans participated in the Tea Party movement. And then imagine that the movement had no impact...
Make no mistake about it, the ongoing WikiLeaks operation against the US is an act of war. It is not...