Center for Security Policy Welcomes Home Fred Fleitz from the White House; Frank Gaffney Passes the Torch to Fleitz for the Center’s Second Thirty Years

White House National Security Council Chief of Staff and Executive Secretary Fred Fleitz has accepted the Center for Security Policy’s invitation to return next month and succeed Frank J. Gaffney as President and CEO in January 2019. Gaffney, who founded the organization in 1988, will assume the new role of the Center’s Executive Chairman.

15 October 2018 | News Release

Contact: Deborah Hamilton, Hamilton Strategies, [email protected], 610.584.1096, ext. 102


WASHINGTON – White House National Security Council Chief of Staff and Executive Secretary Fred Fleitz has accepted the Center for Security Policy’s invitation to return next month and succeed Frank J. Gaffney as President and CEO in January 2019. Gaffney, who founded the organization in 1988, will assume the new role of the Center’s Executive Chairman.

Prior to serving President Donald Trump as National Security Advisor John Bolton’s Chief of Staff, Fleitz served for four years as the Center’s Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs.

Fleitz will rejoin the Center on November 1 to begin the leadership transition.  He will resume his prominent role in the print, broadcast and social media as a spokesman for the organization and as an advocate for the sorts of robust defense and foreign policies that CSP has long championed and that have featured prominently in President Trump’s National Security Strategy.

“Throughout his career, Fred Fleitz has been one of the Center’s most admired allies and, in recent years, one of its most accomplished staff members.  I’m thrilled that he agreed to my request to wrap up as swiftly as possible his latest stint of public service in the Trump White House, and succeed me as President of the Center for Security Policy,” Gaffney said in announcing this development.

“Fred Fleitz is exceptionally qualified for this role,” Gaffney said. “His latest senior White House post was built on nearly two decades as an influential analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, service as Chief of Staff to then-Under Secretary of State John Bolton, and several years as a professional staff member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,” Gaffney added.  “Fred’s extraordinary skills and experience will be incalculably helpful as he leads the Center into its second thirty years.”

“All of us at the Center and our nation have benefited greatly from Fred’s seasoned judgment, his powerful communication capabilities, his dependability as a resource, and his self-effacing temperament. We look forward – as I am sure will President Trump and Ambassador Bolton – to Fred’s renewed contributions outside of governmentin support of their efforts to make America safe again,” Gaffney said.

Following the transition, Frank Gaffney will remain an active part of the Center’s leadership in his role as Executive Chairman. He will also continue hosting the Center’s nationally syndicated “Secure Freedom Radio” program and “Secure Freedom Minute” commentaries heard every weekday respectively by 1.1 million and 2.2 million people.

In addition, Gaffney will be working to help build a national movement behind the Save the Persecuted Christians Coalition, of which the Center for Security Policy is a founding member.

For over three decades, the Center for Security Policy has been nationally and internationally recognized as a valuable resource for policymakers, the media and the public. The Center has addressed emerging national security challenges by promoting the practice of “peace through strength” – the national security philosophy embraced by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

With the help of outstanding staff members like Fred Fleitz and coalitions of other accomplished security policy practitioners, the Center has – despite its small size – helped inform and engender backing for many of President Trump’s most important national security initiatives. They include:

  • the U.S. government’s 2017 National Security Strategy;
  • its 2018 Counterterrorism Strategy;
  • the assertion of American sovereignty worldwide and withdrawal from the dangerous nuclear deal with Iran;
  • the intensification of efforts to stop importing more jihadists, denuclearize North Korea, and counter Communist China;
  • the protection of our most vital critical infrastructures, the nation’s electric grid; and
  • the commitment to deploy effective, global missile defenses, modernize at last our nuclear deterrent, enhance the readiness of and rebuild our conventional forces, and create a U.S. Space Force.

Congressional investigators have praised the Center’s work on how the Obama administration and its allies weaponized the FBI, the Justice Department, and the U.S. intelligence community to undermine Donald Trump’s candidacy and presidency by promoting a false narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. The Center has a consistent, unblemished track record of hawkishness toward the Kremlin that few others – especially the President’s critics– can match.

Learn more about the Center for Security Policy and follow its work at www.SecureFreedom.organd on Twitter @SecureFreedom.


Center for Security Policy

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