On May 22nd, the Center for Security Policy recognized the distinguished public service and continuing contributions of former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey with the presentation of its 2012 Freedom Flame Award.

Judge Mukasey’s myriad accomplishments in American jurisprudence and law enforcement epitomize the commitment to freedom and the practice of “peace through strength” that the Freedom Flame was created to recognize.  Mr. Mukasey served from 2007 to 2009 as the eightyfirst U.S. Attorney General following his appointment to that position by President George W. Bush. From 1988 to 2006, he was a federal judge in the Southern District of New York, becoming that court’s Chief Judge in 2000.
Michael Mukasey rendered a singular public service as the presiding judge in the successful prosecution Omar Abdel Rahman (the “Blind Sheik”) and nine other coconspirators convicted of the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., the Center for Security Policy’s President noted that “Judge Mukasey’s acceptance remarks provided a characteristically thoughtful, articulate and compelling indictment of shariah law and the Muslim Brotherhood – and those in the U.S. government who are wittingly or unwittingly enabling their insinuation into this country.”

Highlights included the following excerpts:

The story, the end meant to be served by the means of the violence, is the imposition of shariah, which is a comprehensive framework that has spiritual aspects to be sure, but is supposed to regulate all behavior…Which is to say shariah is totalitarian and profoundly anti-democratic.

Those charged with protecting our security have a duty to understand and to teach others under their authority to understand what the basic tenets are of the people who are trying to destroy our way of life…Also, those charged with protecting us have a responsibility to avoid strengthening the hand of those who are trying to undermine our way of life by relying on them as our principle interlocutors in the Muslim community. CAIR, the Council on American/Islamic Relations, is a branch of Hamas and of the Muslim Brotherhood. ISNA, the Islamic Society of North America, is another branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a moving tribute to Michael Mukasey, Andy McCarthy – himself a 2010 recipient of the Freedom Flame award – described the Judge’s greatest contribution to our national security:
By following the law faithfully, he ensured that history would fairly and accurately record the ideology of our enemies — not only what they did, but why they did it. Neither political correctness nor willful blindness can efface that record.

Two other honors were also conferred at the dinner:

The Center presented Major General John K. Singlaub, a former Office of Secret Service (OSS) officer and founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency, with the Freedom’s Shield award.  He was introduced by a former comrade-in-arms, E. Miles Prentice III, Chairman of the Center’s Board of Directors.  Mr. Prentice recounted Gen. Singlaub’s storied role in special operations from World War II through Vietnam, his principled stand that helped derail President Carter’s reckless decision to reduce the U.S. military’s deterrent presence in South Korea and his help to President Reagan in securing Latin America from communist subversion.

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation was honored with the Terry Elkes Sacred Honor Award in recognition of its visionary and generous philanthropy in the service of national security. Dianne Sehler, the Foundation’s much-admired Director of Academic, International and Cultural Programs, accepted the award.

Regarding the evening, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., further stated:

This is a true gathering of heroes – citizens who have answered their country’s call to serve in their respective capacities with distinction and incalculably important effects.

Judge Mukasey is an exemplar of American jurisprudence and law enforcement at its very best.  General Singlaub is a patriot’s patriot, whose achievements under fire are the stuff of legend and an inspiration to all.  And the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is the gold standard of American philanthropy under the leadership of its President, Michael Grebe, and his able programmatic right-hand, Dianne Sehler.  We are privileged to be able to recognize all of these truly great Americans in one evening.


About the Freedom Flame Award:  This recognition is extended each year to acknowledge the contributions of one or more individuals who have exemplified the ideals of freedom, democracy, economic opportunity and international strength to which the Center for Security Policy is committed.  Past recipients include: John Lehman, the “Manhattan Seven” (seven Americans who worked to block the creation of the Ground Zero Mosque and the trial of 9/11 co-conspirators in New York City), Herb London, James Woolsey, Ray Kelly, John Bolton, Richard Perle, Fred Thompson, William Casey, Robert Krieble, Albert Wohlstetter and Margaret Thatcher.


Center for Security Policy

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