Center Urges Select Committee to Make Real Progress on Benghazigate Scandal

Republican leaders of five House committees with national security jurisdictions have issued today a “progress report” (PDF) on the fruits of their respective efforts to investigate the murderous jihadist attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.  The most important take-away is that, more than seven months after that outrage, these committees still do not know precisely what happened.

More to the point, the report indicates that the five committees intend to continue their investigations.  It seems predictable that months spent on more of the same, business-as-usual inquiries will produce more of the same stonewalling by the executive branch, a host of still-unanswered questions and a continuing lack of accountability for the policies that got us into this fiasco in Libya, for the conduct during the attack and for the cover-up that was perpetrated at the highest levels of the Obama administration.

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President of the Center for Security Policy, responded to the issuing of this report by renewing the Center’s call for the establishment, instead, of a select committee to get to the bottom of the Benghazigate scandal.

The American people are entitled to know the truth about what happened before, during and following the attack last year in Benghazi on 9/11.  While the existing, standing committees have shed some light on pieces of this sordid affair, it is now evident that that truth simply is unlikely to be forthcoming in the absence of an aggressive investigative effort with real teeth.

We believe this progress report reinforces the request recently made by 700-plus Special Forces veterans urging Congress to establish a select committee pursuant to House Resolution 36, sponsored by Rep. Frank Wolf and a majority of the House Republican caucus.  It is time for real progress and a select committee evidently is necessary to get it.

Concerned citizens can help get this select committee established by urging their representatives to endorse H.Res.36 by going to



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Center for Security Policy

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