For the climate change movement, it’s OK if China burns more coal
The United States is taking a lot of flak these days for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. At this week’s 25th annual U.N. handwringing session about global warming in Madrid, nations will compete to demonstrate their superior commitment to preventing ice caps from melting, sea levels rising, pestilence spreading, and conflicts erupting among other apocalyptic scenarios. House Speaker Pelosi is using the opportunity to excoriate President Trump.

The United States is taking a lot of flak these days for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. At this week’s 25th annual U.N. handwringing session about global warming in Madrid, nations will compete to demonstrate their superior commitment to preventing ice caps from melting, sea levels rising, pestilence spreading, and conflicts erupting among other apocalyptic scenarios. House Speaker Pelosi is using the opportunity to excoriate President Trump.
Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is being vindicated with regard to one of his reasons for withdrawing from the Paris agreement – namely, that it required the U.S. to make onerous cuts in CO2 emissions but Communist China can continue adding to its pollution. In fact, Beijing is greatly increasing its numbers of coal-burning power plants and dramatically reducing its investment in renewables.
Good on Americans for continuing voluntarily to cut our emissions. China will not.
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