With Kevin Freeman, Mark Schneider and Sam Faddis

KEVIN FREEMAN, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Host of Economic War Room on TheBlaze TV, Author of “Game Plan” and “Secret Weapon”:

  • The current state of the U.S.-Beijing trade deal
  • China’s unrestricted warfare waged against the U.S.
  • Consequences of Xi Jinping’s censorship overload


  • How some U.S. companies are underwriting the Chinese economy
  • Implications of the “thrift-savings plan”
  • Can economic weaponry mitigate aggressive Turkish behavior?

MARK SCHNEIDER, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, Longtime career in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy:

  • Upcoming Russian nuclear military exercise
  • Dangers of Putin’s weapons systems enlargement

SAM FADDIS, Former CIA Ops Officer, Spent twenty years as an Operations officer in the Middle East, South Asia and Europe, Former Candidate for Congress, Senior Subject Matter Expert at Axon/Lockheed Martin, Author of Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA (2009):

  • Dissecting the current state of Syria
  • Implications of Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. troops
  • Why the Kurds are a reliable U.S. ally

Secure Freedom Radio

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