With Representative Mike Turner, Roger Noriega, Mark Krikorian, and Fred Fleitz.

Congressman MIKE TURNER of Ohio explains the effects that Chuck Hagel’s policies advocating the reduction of America’s nuclear arsenal would have on America’s safety and security were he to be nominated for Secretary of Defense.

Former Ambassador to the OAS, ROGER NORIEGA, covers a litany of intrigue in the Americas including the Mexican struggle against the cartels, Chinese economic influence in Latin America, and Iranian Venezuelan money laundering.


MARK KRIKORIAN expresses his fear that Republicans, who see a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as being too rewarding, will be tricked into reaching a middle ground of giving them permanent worker status.
FRED FLEITZ, managing editor of LIGNET, predicts that despite rumors to the contrary, Egypt will not try to get a nuclear program with Iran’s help any time soon because it is so dependent on international aid.
Secure Freedom Radio

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