By Dr. William G. Perry.  Dr. Perry is a professor of computer information systems and teaches computer networking and information security at Western Carolina University. He has experience in counterintelligence and threat assessment and has made presentations on the protection of the nation’s critical infrastructure.

This paper purposes to analyze the evolving doctrine and practice of Chinese information warfare (IW) the tool that Beijing is seeking to use to circumvent the U.S.s conventional military might. First, a suitable definition of information warfare in the Chinese context shall be set forth. Second, we will discuss how China is amassing an IW infrastructure with the intention of infiltrating and debilitating U.S. military information networks. Third, it shall be demonstrated that these technical and human resources are directed both at American forces in the Pacific, and even more worryingly, at U.S. domestic IT infrastructure. We will conclude by offering concrete policy recommendations on how the U.S. can deter and defeat Chinese information warfare.

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Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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