Chinese missile tests show fruits of US appeasement policy

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On the eve of the pivotal March 20 Presidential election in Taiwan, the Washington Times reports that China has tested five missiles so far this year. The tests included launches of short, medium and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Beijing’s move acutely embarrasses the Administration, coming after President Bush joined the Communist Chinese Premier in an unprecedented December 9 public scolding of Taiwan for the democracy’s intention to hold a national referendum that would have demanded China withdraw its 500 missiles targeting the island.

The president should have publicly demanded that the missiles be destroyed. Now, the PRC has rewarded Washington’s kowtow with missile tests designed to intimidate Taiwan and the United States. This Saturday, March 20, Taiwan votes on whether to defend its freedom. The Administration should stop tempting China to attack Taiwan. And it should stop the appeasement that encourages Beijing to expand its nuclear blackmail fleet of ICBMs that can strike the United States.

Center for Security Policy

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