Clinton Campaign Collusion with Russia
With George Rasley, Rick Manning, Dr. Stephen Blank and Diana West
DIANA WEST, Author of The Death of the Grown Up and American Betrayal:
- Anniversary of the greatest disaster of the 20thcentury: The Bolshevik Revolution
- Election results 2017
- Dangers of democratic socialism
GEORGE RASLEY, Editor of Conservative HQ:
- A look inside the Virginia Governor race
- Does Kirstjen Nielsen represent the swamp that Trump promised to eradicate?
- The demise of the Democratic party
DR. STEPHEN BLANK, Senior Fellow for Russia at the American Foreign Policy Council, 26 years of experience as a Professor of National Security Studies at the Strategic Studies Institute of U.S. Army War College:
- The lingering effects of the Lenin enterprise
- Vladimir Putin’s nuclear weapon arsenal
- First strike scenarios in Moscow
RICK MANNING, President of Americans for Limited Government, Former Public Affairs Chief at the U.S. Department of Labor during the George W. Bush Administration, Nine years as a state lobbyist for the National Rifle Association:
- Fusion GPS and Donald Trump Jr. set up
- The Clinton team’s extensive Russian collusion
- Why isn’t Attorney General Sessions doing more regarding Clinton scandals?
- Securing America with Sam Faddis - October 26, 2023
- Robert Spencer: Many Afghan refugees were not vetted when they entered the United States - March 22, 2022
- John Mills: The Biden team always needs an ‘enemy’ to rally the country against - March 9, 2022