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With Amb. Eric Edelman, Bill Gertz, Mark Krikorian, Richard Manning

Amb. ERIC EDELMAN, Former Ambassador to Finland and Turkey, Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy:

  • Conflicting “factsheets” from each party of the Iranian nuclear talks
  • Does this deal drive a metaphorical stake through the heart of the Non-Proliferation Treaty?
  • U.S.-Israeli relations in light of the series of concessions made to Iran

BILL GERTZ, senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon:

  • Danger in an agreement not mentioning Iran’s nuclear program at Parchin
  • Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes comments regarding sweeping verification capabilities
  • Adm. William Gortney of Northern Command on China’s nuclear submarine patrols
  • A new “third offset” policy towards robotics and automated systems
  • Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s claim that the TPP is “worth one carrier to the U.S. military”

MARK KRIKORIAN, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies:

  • The new deportation policy of the Mexican government will do little to stem the summer surge of migrants from Central America
  • Administration’s in-country refugee processing service “paroling” migrants into the U.S.
  • Does a congressional vote for Loretta Lynch amount to a vote for executive amnesty?

RICHARD MANNING, President of Americans for Limited Government:

  • How the Trans-Pacific Partnership would rewrite the economic rules of the world
  • Why the TPP is misleadingly referred to as a free trade deal as appose to a regulatory agreement
  • Recommendations for Congress and an overview of their Constitutional treaty power
Secure Freedom Radio

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