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It’s become a blood sport in Washington lately to deride as “conspiracy theorists” those who have documented the efforts of the Muslim Brotherhood, in its words, to “destroy Western civilization from within.” I am among those who have refused to be silenced by the conspiracy- deniers.

In fact, the U.S. government has established in federal court that the Brotherhood’s front groups have long pursued a stealthy campaign to penetrate and undermine our constitutional republic.

Not surprisingly, Islamists and allied Leftists are particularly aggressive in denying this conspiracy. Some on the Right, however, would have us believe that – despite ample evidence to the contrary – the Muslim Brothers have not been able to infiltrate the conservative movement and the GOP.

Regrettably, that’s not true. Pretending otherwise simply enables that Islamist assault on the Right – and our country – to continue.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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