Contempt Threat Finally Ends Stonewalling about the Dodgy Dossier

For months, a “dodgy dossier” has been discredited as a product of Kremlin influence operators, written by a former British and sold as opposition research by Fusion GPS to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Evidently, the “dodgy” dossier was then used by the Obama administration as the basis for conducting surveillance of Mr. Trump’s campaign.

Since last spring, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has been seeking to obtain documents from the Justice Department and FBI that would shed light on the reliance those agencies placed on this fabrication in securing a court order for electronic monitoring of Candidate Trump and his team.  The Congressman was systematically stiffed by both DoJ and the Bureau.

Until last night.  After the Chairman and House Speaker Paul Ryan threatened Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christophe Wray with criminal contempt of Congress, the requested information has now been promised.

It’s past time for a full accounting and full accountability.

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