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Mideast scholar Michael Rubin has just published a most timely book called Dancing with the Devil: The Perils of Engaging Rogue Regimes. In it, he warns that one of the hallmarks of such regimes is that they horribly mistreat their own people – especially religious and ethnic minorities.

Hard experience and common sense tell us that governments willing to do that to their populations have something even worse in mind for ours.

That is certainly true of the rulers of North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, China and Russia, to name a few of the worst rogue states and their likeminded state-sponsors.

When the Obama administration “engages” these devils, we provide not only legitimacy, but life-support, to their monstrous regimes. By so doing, we enable the repression of their peoples, and increasing threats to ours.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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