The evidence that Joe Biden is, as retired U.S. spy “Sam” Faddis contends, a “controlled asset” of Chinese intelligence continues to accumulate.

In addition to the multiple indictable offenses documented on Hunter Biden’s hard drive – some of which were laid bare in a Committee on the Present Danger: China webinarlast week – two recent decisions strongly suggest that his dad is doing the Chinese Communist Party’s bidding.

First, the PCAOB, a little-known federal auditing agency, has cleared the way for American investors to continue underwriting the CCP threat. That’s suicidal.

And second, Mr. Faddis reports that Team Biden is allowing U.S. companies to do business with more Chinese ones on the grounds that the latter won’t transfer American technology to their government – something they are actually required to do.

Congress must stop such aiding and abetting of our enemy.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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