US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin said the other day that Chinese air force movements towards Taiwan look like a “rehearsal” for an invasion.
It is good America’s military leadership is finally realizing that Xi Jinping is serious when he says he will use force, if necessary, to seize Taiwan.
Yet, in recent years whenever the US military has “war gamed” a fight with China over Taiwan, the Americans reportedly have “failed miserably” or in military-speak “got their asses handed to them” every time.
But there are war games and there are war games. Depending on how you construct the scenario things might turn out better for the United States.
You see…if the fight is confined to Taiwan and the surrounding area the Chinese have a big advantage. They can deploy far more ships than the US Navy can, and the same goes for aircraft.
Chinese land-based missile and anti-aircraft batteries will further make things difficult for US forces trying to “get in close” to help Taiwan. One doesn’t envy a US destroyer skipper who has two dozen supersonic anti-ship missiles coming his way and arriving in 90 seconds.
And the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force’s ballistic missiles able to hit moving targets at sea will give US aircraft carriers much to worry about. The missiles are nicknamed “carrier killers” for a reason.
US bases in Japan and Guam from which American forces would be deploying to aid Taiwan will also be getting Chinese missile attention.
This just covers a few of the problems facing US forces, and the Americans can of course strike some blows of their own.
But if it’s just a fight between the Americans and the Chinese, and it takes place right around Taiwan, the Americans will have a hard time.
However, expand the battlefield, say, to include the entire globe, and the United States’ prospects improve considerably.
Here’s why: The PRC does not produce enough food to feed itself, nor does it have enough energy or natural resources to power its economy. That’s why the Chinese buy up Brazilian and Ukrainian farmland, Australian milk companies, and American pork producers.
The same goes for Chinese oil concessions in Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela and mines in Africa and South America.
A March 24, 2021, aerial picture of container cranes and containers at the Lianyungang Port Container Terminal in Lianyungang, Jiangsu province. Photo: AFP / Hector Retamal
China not only depends on seamless (and long) supply lines to import commodities and raw materials, but it also depends on the same supply lines to export manufactured products that earn vital foreign exchange – and keep people employed and the economy humming.
If the Americans and their allies and partners “expand the battlefield” and cut off China from its overseas “assets”, as one Western expert puts it: “without these commodities arriving in China from around the world the China we know and the Chinese know will not exist…it will be 1,400,000,000 persons desperate for food, energy, commodities, natural resources.”
So if the US musters the fortitude needed to impound or sink Chinese shipping and clamp down on air transport in and out of the PRC, the Chinese Communist Party will be in dire straits.
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), despite carrying out the biggest, fastest defense buildup in history – including progress towards a “blue-water” global navy – over the last 20 years still cannot defend China’s overseas assets. And it will probably be another decade before PLA global “power projection” capabilities can do so.
Compounding Beijing’s problems, China is also vulnerable to US financial sanctions that could exclude the PRC from the US dollar network. And Washington might also prohibit US corporate business dealings with the People’s Republic of China in a conflict scenario.
So while Beijing might like its prospects in a straight-up (and confined) fight to seize Taiwan, it is extremely vulnerable if the United States and other free nations “decouple” China from its overseas assets – and the convertible currency and inward foreign investment and trade that powers the Chinese economy.
But the Americans should not breathe easy.
If China can seize the high ground in outer space and the upper atmosphere — and threaten the US with surprise (and undefendable) nuclear attack – as well as blinding US forces by taking out their satellites – it might be able to checkmate the Americans.
At that point, America’s existing conventional advantages, both kinetic and non-kinetic, won’t matter much.
Click HERE to read more.
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