Democrats’ latest “pivot” confirms the reality of election fraud, again

Two weeks ago, I noted that, before Joe Biden and his partisans started denouncing those convinced the 2020 presidential race was stolen as “election deniers,” Democrats warned that it could happen due to problems with insecure election machines.
That stunning pivot is now being followed by another one. Democratic politicians who have insisted for the past twenty-four months that the nation’s election machinery was perfectly secure in 2020 have pivoted to saying that it can be manipulated in this election.
For example, yesterday, the Left’s house organ, Politico, reported that, “There are real risks that hackers could tunnel into voting equipment and other election infrastructure to try to undermine Tuesday’s vote.”
Fortunately, American voters are now onto the Democrats’ game: Material fraud was possible in 2020. They actually perpetrated it that November. Their attempts to try it again today must not succeed.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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