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With Steven Groves

STEVEN GROVES, Bernard and Barbara Lomas Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation:

  • The circumvention of the U.S. legislative process by the Human Rights Counsel and other UN groups
  • The Obama Administration’s use of “international norms” to implement its domestic policy
  • Problems with President Obama’s enforcement of treaties that have yet to be ratified by the Senate


  • The ability of the U.S. to be bound by international treaties that have not received Congressional approval
  • Why the President bypassed Constitutional law to sign the International Arms Trade Treaty
  • How the International Arms Trade Treaty restricts U.S. foreign affairs and defense


  • UN Disability Treaty advocates garnering the support of veterans through arguably misleading promises
  • Attempts by human rights groups to take advantage of Congress’ lame-duck session to push through legislation
  • Why the Law of the Sea Treaty is counterproductive to American national security interests


  • Problems the Law of the Sea Treaty would cause for the U.S. Navy
  • President Obama’s decision to ban the use of land mines against the advice of military leadership
  • The Administration’s habit of bypassing Senate approval in order to comply with international agreements
Secure Freedom Radio

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