Motion to Compel.

Plaintiff’s Response Brief in Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for Protective Order.

Attachment I. Utah Law Review Article: David Yerushalmi, “Shariah’s ‘Black Box’: Civil Liability and Criminal Exposure Surrounding Shariah-Compliant Finance,” Utah Law Review 2008:3, pp. 1020-1106 (“Shariah’s Black Box Article”)

Attachment II. Letter Proposal to file Amicus Curiae Brief in Boim v. Holy Land Foundation Appeal before Seventh Circuit (en banc)

Attachment III. Amicus Curiae Brief for the Center for Security Policy in Boim v. Holy Land Foundation Appeal before Seventh Circuit (en banc)

Attachment IV. Opinion in Boim v. Holy Land Foundation, Seventh Circuit (en banc)

Attachment V. Complaint filed in Murray v. Geitner et al. re: First Amendment violations re AIG

Attachment VI. Correspondence between Sen. Kyl, Messrs. Yerushalmi & Gaffney, SEC hairman Cox, Fed Chairman Bernanke

Attachment VII. US Government’s Motion to Dismiss in Murray v. Geitner et al.

Attachment VIII. Plaintiff’s Opposition to US Government’s Motion to Dismiss in Murray v. Geitner et al.

Attachment IX. District Court’s Opinion Dismissing US Government’s Motion to Dismiss in Murray v. Geitner et al.

Center for Security Policy

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