Once upon a time, the United States government took seriously the idea that national security matters. Those with ties to America’s enemies were ineligible to hold sensitive posts, lest they imperil the country.

That sensible principle has been profoundly undermined during the three Obama-Biden administrations as numerous individuals involved with Russia, Iran, Cuba, Hezbollah, Hamas and most especially the Chinese Communist Party have nonetheless occupied senior government jobs.

One of those is Joe Biden, whose family knowingly took millions of dollars from Chinese intelligence. Another is his Vice President, Kamala Harris, a “red diaper baby” whose career and husband have long been involved with Maoists and the CCP. Yet another is her choice for Veep, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who has made thirty trips to Communist China and insists it’s no adversary.

We must reestablish vital security protocols while we still can.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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