
America lost one of its most remarkable men this week. Donald Rumsfeld served his country with distinction in uniform, in the Congress, as NATO ambassador and in such key executive branch positions as White House Chief of Staff and twice as Secretary of Defense.

“Rummy” was equally impressive during his time as a successful business leader. Drawing on both life experiences, the Secretary developed Rumsfeld’s Rules – a handbook filled with wry insights and practical prescriptions, informed by hard experience and the help of his friends.

One of his most trenchant maxims was widely condemned when he uttered it, but is as true today as ever: “You go to war with the Army you have.” Even as we mourn Donald Rumsfeld’s passing, we would do well to remember that admonition by ensuring that our military is once again, truly second to none.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Donald Rumsfeld by Gage Skidmore  is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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