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The Afghan government says it will soon release still more murderous jihadists from Bagram prison. The American-led coalition is complaining bitterly about the prospect of allowing such enemy agents to resume their attacks on our forces and civilians.

But the Afghans have a novel rationale: These prisoners are too dangerous to allow to stay in jail.

That’s right. Our so-called allies claim that if these jihadis aren’t freed, they’ll “radicalize” others incarcerated there. It seems not to have occurred to the Afghans that these prisoners will be able to drive vastly more of their countrymen to jihad once they’re sprung.

But then, how could Afghan President Hamid Karzai take seriously U.S. protests about his emptying Bagram since our own president has been just as determined to turn loose jihadists from Guantanamo Bay?


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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