Don’t let the globalists’ socialist agenda prosper from the Wuhan virus
Socialism is a bigger threat than the coronavirus. And the Wuhan Flu has the potential greatly to accelerate the globalists’ efforts to spread their socialist political agenda at the expense of both public health and national sovereignty. Remember, they believe a crisis should never go to waste.

Socialism is a bigger threat than the coronavirus. And the Wuhan virus has the potential greatly to accelerate the globalists’ efforts to spread their socialist political agenda at the expense of both public health and national sovereignty. Remember, they believe a crisis should never go to waste.
Video is circulating on the Internet from an exercise dubbed Event 201 conducted in October 2019. Its sponsors and participants included such globalist powerhouses as: the Bloomberg-backed Johns Hopkins University, the Davos World Economic Forum, the Gates, Rockefeller and UN Foundations, the World Bank, the CIA and the U.S. and Chinese Centers for Disease Control. They talk on tape about exploiting a pandemic to fund and build global governance.
We must not allow the present crisis to undermine our national sovereignty and promote socialism. Unfortunately, the globalists clearly disagree.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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