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With Andrea Boland, Roger Noriega, Steven Bucci, Gordon Chang

Representative ANDREA BOLAND reflects on the efforts she has made to protect her native state Maine and the the rest of the country from growing EMP threats.

ROGER NORIEGA, of American Enterprise and Inter-American Security Watch, looks south of the border at the upcoming visits of John Kerry to Brazil and Colombia, power loss for President Fernandez of Argentina, and Mexico’s war against narcotic drug king pins.

STEVEN BUCCI, US Colonel and Director of the Allison Center at the Heritage Foundation, examines US relationship with Russia, US Military budget cuts, sexual assaults in the military, and the threat of an EMP strike.

GORDON CHANG, of, addresses the conflicting reports on the growth of the Chinese economy, as well as looks into the relationship between North Korea and Cuba.

Secure Freedom Radio

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