
The son of the last Shah of Iran, Prince Reza Pahlavi, spoke powerfully yesterday to, and for, the Iranian people. His speech was widely broadcast and well-received. It can help bring down the tyrannical regime that’s long misruled them and threatens us.

The Prince says he’s not interested in running a successor government. But he outlined what it should look like – namely one that is: democratic, and therefore accountable; secular, instead of theocratic; and inclusive, truly representing his nation’s many ethnic minorities and regions.

Barack Obama says it was a mistake when he ignored such aspirations in 2009 in pursuit of a nuclear deal with the ayatollahs. The Biden administration is signaling its efforts to do the same are at an end. We now must demonstrate our solidarity with those seeking freedom in Iran, and actually help them achieve it.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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