With Soeren Kern

SOEREN KERN, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, Senior Analyst for Transatlantic Relations at the Madrid based Grupo de Estudios Estrategicos (Strategic Studies Group), Contributing Analyst for Jane’s Information Group on Basque and Islamic terrorism in Spain:

  • US- Europe division post WWII
  • Implications of the migration influx in Europe
  • Multi-culturalism vs. nationalism


  • Consequences of German policy makers appeasing new migrants
  • Sharia blasphemy restrictions in Europe


  • How widespread is the phenomenon of ‘no-go zones’ in Europe?
  • Dangers of Sharia law


  • The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and free speech
  • Implications of UN Human rights Council Resolution 1618
  • Differentiating immigration vs. mass migration

Secure Freedom Radio

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