Just as the danger posed by the Chinese Communist Party is reaching unprecedented heights, the Biden State Department has chosen an “Old Friend” of China to manage the bilateral relationship. Evidently, Hunter Biden wasn’t available.

Instead, Tom Donilon got the gig. As Barack Obama’s national security advisor, he presided over the surrender of the South China Sea to Beijing. These days, he runs an investment institute for Larry Fink’s financial management firm, BlackRock –  which the CCP recently rewarded for its service to China with the first wholly foreign-owned mutual fund business there.

Such service by BlackRock has included playing a leading role in transferring $3-6 trillion in U.S. investments to CCP front companies. It also recently helped such companies gain access to the retirement savings of federal employees and military personnel.

The times demand American patriots in charge, not China’s Old Friends.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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