Failed “leaders” should be replaced, not re-upped


Tens of millions of Americans are bitterly disappointed by the outcomes of the midterms, too many of which remain unresolved.

Numerous factors contributed to victories by candidates clearly less enthusiastically supported – and in at least one case, palpably unfit to serve.

Those include the fact that Republicans focused on turn-out, while Democrats focused on “turn-in” – namely, generating and counting ballots whether they were legally cast or not.

Another determinant was the failure of the “McLeadership” – the GOP’s Senate leader Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy in the House and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Rhona McDaniel – to support and fund the party’s nominees in key races around the country. Specifically, they sabotaged candidates deemed insufficiently loyal to them and their reduction of the party basically to a “controlled opposition” in Congress.

Will these so-called “leaders” be rewarded by being re-upped?

The answer must be “no.”

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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