Recent reports from several media outlets focused on declarations made by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe who has ordered the army to step up efforts to rescue former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt from the FARC. Other hostages include Betancourt’s running mate Clara Rojas and three Americans contractors from the Northrop Grumman Corp.   Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell. Uribe’s decision came after police officer, John Frank Pinchao, escaped on April 28, 2007 after eight years of captivity by the FARC. Mr. Pinchao gave a detailed report about the harsh conditions of their captivity.

Articulo: "Las atrocidades de las FARC."

El Presidente Colombiano Álvaro Uribe ha pedido a las fuerzas armadas de su país, que realicen todos los esfuerzos posibles por rescatar a quien fuera candidata Presidencial en el año 2002, Íngrid Betancourt, secuestrada por las FARC. Otros cautivos son la fórmula vicepresidencial de Betancourt, Clara Rojas y tres norteamericanos trabajadores de la Corporación Northrop Grumman, Tom Howes, Keith Stansell y Mark Gonsálves. La decisión de Uribe de intentar un rescate militar se produjo después de las espeluznantes declaraciones del suboficial de la Policía colombiana John Frank Pinchao quien escapó el pasado 28 de abril de un campo de concentración de las FARC,  donde estuvo cautivo desde hacía más de ocho años.


  • Colombia: Uribe orders hunt for hostages held by FARC. Government deal will free jailed FARC rebels to pressure the group. Uribe asks US not to punish Colombia.
  • Venezuela: Chavez warns cable TV news station, Globovision. Massive protests over close of oldest television network, RCTV.
  • Rice criticizes Spain over Cuba policy.
  • Bolivia: Congress issues arrests warrants for members of the Constitutional Tribunal.
  • Venezuela and Bolivia to sell joint bonds.
  • Brazil: energy minister resigns.
  • Mexico’s Calderon vows no backtracking in drug war.
  • Peru and Ecuador dispel border issues.
  • Ecuador president vows to battle "incompetent" media.
  • Argentina gas exports resume to central Chile.

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Center for Security Policy

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