Farewell to Dan McMichael

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In particular, this partnership and its organizational offspring were instrumental to our understanding of the threat posed by Soviet communism, and to our ultimately successful fight against its adherents.

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A few weeks ago, I lost a dear friend and mentor – and America lost a great patriot. His name was R. Daniel McMichael and his extraordinary service to our country over five decades will likely never be properly recognized.

Throughout those years, Dan helped one of our nation’s most generous and visionary philanthropists, Richard Mellon Scaife, to build and nurture the institutions of modern conservatism. In particular, this partnership and its organizational offspring were instrumental to our understanding of the threat posed by Soviet communism, and to our ultimately successful fight against its adherents.

Like Ronald Reagan, Dan McMichael understood the need for each generation to defend freedom against existential threats. They did so brilliantly. It falls now to us in their absence to do the same with the Islamists’ shariah.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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