Fentanyl: The national security crisis Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas want America to ignore

While the debate over the southern border is largely discussed in terms of immigration and migrant flows, more than just people flow across the border. In just the last two weeks alarming reports from government sources warn of a potential weapon of mass destruction crossing the border, in amounts sufficient “to kill every single American.”
That weapon is the drug Fentanyl.
Since the Biden administration revoked Trump-era border security policies, the U.S. southern border has faced an uncontrolled flood of illegal aliens, terrorists, and drugs, most notably Fentanyl. The amount of Fentanyl making its way into American cities and towns has quadrupled since Biden took office. Deaths attributed to fentanyl have increased a shocking 800% in some communities.
The DEA warns state and local law enforcement that under Biden’s watch that enough fentanyl has made its way into America to “kill every single American.”
While the flow of common illegal drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth is worrisome enough, fentanyl is uniquely dangerous, particularly if weaponized. As the Center previously reported:
Security experts have long regarded fentanyl as a chemical weapons threat. The drug’s high toxicity and increasing availability are “attractive” to potential adversaries “seeking nonconventional materials for a chemical attack,” James McDonnell, a former assistant secretary at DHS wrote in a memorandum two years ago.
The incredible potency and lethality of Fentanyl led the Rand Corporation to describe the synthetic opioid as “The Most Dangerous Illegal Drug in America.” A Canadian study described a type of Fentanyl, Carfentanyl, as 2000x more deadly than a nuclear bomb.
The fentanyl threat is exacerbated by the willful actions of the Chinese Communist Party, which continues to resist all requests by the U.S. government that it crack down on illicit fentanyl production and the involvement of Chinese companies with the Mexican narcotics trade. As Center Senior Fellow and Asia expert Grant Newsham writes:
The fact the Chinese regime doesn’t ban fentanyl in its entirety—much less go after producers the way it goes after Uighurs, Christians and Falun Gong, or Hong Kongers—suggests the CCP is glad America is awash in fentanyl.
And when Trump told Xi to knock off the fentanyl flow back in 2018, Xi reportedly replied: “We don’t have a drug problem in China.” That means Xi can control the drugs and he’s channeling the chemical warfare agents—in true “unrestricted warfare fashion”—towards his #1 rival and greatest enemy.
The threat from fentanyl must be considered a national security threat, necessitating robust and aggressive action to seal our southern border. And no issue better illustrates the malfeasance and dereliction of duty of Biden, Mayorkas and the entire administration than the fentanyl threat that they have irresponsibly allowed to metastasize.
As a result of the Biden administration’s negligence and CCP perfidy, America faces a combined public health crisis and national security threat of terrible proportions—the opioid epidemic which has impacted so many people and its fentanyl aspect. As COVID-19 lockdowns have come to an end, now is the time for policymakers to begin focusing on this vital issue. Not just because of the terrible toll in human life and misery opioids have caused, but because fentanyl, is a potential WMD in the hands of rogue nations and terrorists.
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