In a new ad released today, the Center for Security Policy clarified what is really going on in the fight being mounted by Democratic Senators, led by John Kerry and Joe Biden, against John Bolton’s nomination to become U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. As the 1-minute-13-second video spot observes, "John Kerry and his friends are sore losers. They’re unhappy that the American people last Fall rejected the idea of making the U.S. submit to the UN and its so-called ‘global test.’"

 Of course, the Democrats can’t come right out and say this is their real objection to Mr. Bolton. After all, President Bush offered the American people a clear alternative — rooted in a "policy of strong U.S. leadership in world affairs." And three-and-a-half million more voters agreed with Mr. Bush’s stance — a stance embraced and epitomized by one of his most able and tenacious subordinates, John Bolton — and rejected Sen. Kerry’s world view.

So, in the hope of winning in the Senate what they lost at the ballot box — and, thereby, helping the UN become ascendant and remain unreformed — Senators. Kerry, Biden, have adopted the "kitchen sink" strategy: Throw every charge imaginable at John Bolton, including impugning his character, integrity, judgment and competence, in the hope that something, anything, will stick and cause at least one Republican to join them.

This strategy has defamed a distinguished and selfless public servant. It has demeaned the Senate and its deliberations on an important appointment. And it has caused one or more Republicans temporarily to consider voting against the Bolton nomination.

Center for Security President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. said in releasing the new video: In the end, the sore losers will not succeed in altering the results of the 2004 election or the determination of its victor to ensure the United States can protect itself from international threats, with the UN’s help if possible and without if necessary. They will not prevent the United States from pressing hard, not just for cosmetic "reforms" at the UN, but for that dysfunctional and corrupt organization’s wholesale "transformation." And they will not succeed in depriving this country of the stalwart advocate needed to achieve these goals, John Bolton.



The script reads as follows:

John Kerry and his friends are sore losers.

    They’re unhappy that the American people last Fall rejected the idea of making the U.S. submit to the UN and its so-called "global test."

    Instead, the American people voted for George Bush and his policy of strong U.S. leadership in world affairs.

    The voters understood that the UN is broken, with anti-American dictators and bureaucrats calling the shots.

    It needs more than reform. The UN needs to be transformed if it is going to be of any help in promoting freedom and securing peace.

    Now, President Bush wants to have a U.S. ambassador who is dedicated to UN reform, John Bolton.

    But, Senator Kerry and his friends think that if they can block John Bolton’s nomination, they will succeed where they failed last November.

    Then they will help a dysfunctional UN stave off real change and continue its anti-American agenda.

    The Democrats to should stop using the politics of personal destruction.

    George Bush is right. It’s time to start transforming the United Nations.

    And John Bolton is the man to do it.



Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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