Fleitz: Trump’s policies that avoided wars earned him 3 Nobel Peace Prize nominations

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Fred Fleitz, Center President and CEO, joined Lou Dobbs to discuss President Trump’s third Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

Fleitz said this nomination in particular reflects the the President’s America first strategy by putting America’s “national interest ahead of international agreements” which “is the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize.

“The Middle East is more peaceful because the President threw out the diplomatic rule book of the global elite,” Fleitz noted after countless people said there would be “a cataclysm on the global stage” if Donald Trump were elected president. Fleitz said President Trump’s efforts to keep the United States out of global wars, sometimes in defiance of his top national security advisors, put “the lie to these unfair attacks the President has been facing time and time again from the foreign policy elite.”

Center for Security Policy

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