Gaffney rebukes Al-Jazeera’s intimidation tactics and condemns use of discredited SPLC as source

19 March 2018

I received today an email with an attached so-called “legal letter” from a senior producer at Al Jazeera Media Network. One need look no further than the letterhead, “Confidential” marking and warnings at the bottom of that attachment to recognize that, quite apart from its content, this email is intended to threaten and intimidate.

It asked for my prompt written response to several allegations about me and my organization, the Center for Security Policy. Those allegations are clearly defamatory. These unfounded charges say more about the purported “experts” who have made them than about those they are smearing. According to the author, Jeremy Young, such tripe will nonetheless be featured in a forthcoming, hour-long “documentary” about “Islamophobia” in the United States.

I will not dignify the falsehoods Al Jazeera intends to promote by commenting upon them. It is enough to note that Al Jazeera is a wholly owned subsidiary of the government of Qatar and an instrument that Sharia-supremacist regime routinely uses to propagandize Arab and, wherever possible, other audiences. Even by the low standards of contemporary journalism, the network has become an object of ridicule for its slavish devotion to the Muslim Brotherhood line, its virulently anti-American “reporting” and its wonton disregard for the facts.

Such contempt is further warranted by Al Jazeera’s decision to cite the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a source for its calumnies about the Center and me. The network is on notice that, by so doing, it risks being implicated in future episodes like two violent assaults on innocent American citizens reportedly inspired by the SPLC’s hate-mongering (one in which a terrorist attacked the Family Research Council and another in which Republican legislators were shot at during practice for a congressional baseball game).

The Center for Security Policy has thoroughly documented the threat posed by the sort of Sharia-supremacism proselytized by Al Jazeera. It has also chronicled the political warfare waged by the Southern Poverty Law Center – increasingly in league with Islamists – to destroy its enemies. Ignorance of our scrupulously documented findings is no excuse for mischaracterizing them. And touting the fraudulent claims of violent and/or pre-violent “civilization” jihadists and their fellow travelers and enablers at the SPLC amounts to professional misconduct by Al Jazeera.

Frank J. Gaffney

President and CEO

Center for Security Policy


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Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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