Good News, Bad News from the Mideast

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Two tectonic shifts occurred yesterday in the Middle East, one good, one not.

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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Two tectonic shifts occurred yesterday in the Middle East, one good, one not.

In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finally appears to have won the victory that had eluded him in two previous parliamentary elections. If so, he may be able to cobble together at last the coherent governing coalition Israel needs now more than ever.

Turkish dictator Recep Tayyep Erdogan chose this moment to precipitate a new refugee crisis in Europe. He refused to accept a further billion-euro bribe from the European Union aimed at staving off another invasion by perhaps millions more illegal immigrants from Sharia-supremacist nations.

Erdogan may be calculating that this gambit will distract his people’s attention from the bloody setbacks Russia and its Syrian puppet regime have lately dealt Turkey. The episode certainly demonstrates that, unlike Netanyahu’s Israel, under its would-be-Caliph, Turkey’s an ally no more.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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