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Bipartisanship in Washington is wildly overrated. In practice, it basically means that establishment Republicans capitulate to disciplined Democrats.

Republicans justify this behavior by insisting they must show that, when they’re in charge of Congress, they can get things done.

So now, we’re told, they’ll prove how productive they are by passing legislation sought by the vast majority of Democrats and some Republican legislators. It would allow many thousands of convicted felons to get back on the street before their full sentences have been served. This initiative is known as “criminal justice reform.”

Worried that the convicts will resume their criminal ways? We’re assured that this bipartisan initiative will only let out “non-violent” convicts.

But what if their next crime is violent and, say, it takes your life, or that of a loved one? Do Republican enablers think they’ll escape blame? Fuggedabout it.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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