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With Nina Shea, Christian Adams, Jay Christian Adams, Adam Kredo, and Andy McCarthy.

NINA SHEA, Director of the Center for Religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute, reports that Christians are the most persecuted religious group worldwide, exposing which regimes are guilty of persecuting or not defending Christian minorities, and criticizes the Obama administration’s silence on the issue but outspoken support for other religious groups.

CHRISTIAN ADAMS, former attorney at the Justice Department and author of Injustice, critiques President Obama’s choice for the next Secretary of Labor, Thomas Perez, exposing how he has used the power of government to “advance a far-left progressive agenda” in numerous cases over his career.

Washington Free Beacon writer, ADAM KREDO reports on recent violence in Jerusalem and predicts that more violence is forthcoming pending the arrival of President Obama as the Palestinians’ attempt to draw attention to the peace process during the President’s first trip to Israel.

ANDY McCARTHY, an editor with National Review Online and author of Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, analyzes Rand Paul’s filibuster discussing the constitutionality of killing American citizens in America, and exposes how the civilian trial of Abu Ghaith is the Obama administration’s attempt to undermine the commission system.


Secure Freedom Radio

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