Hans von Spakovsky: How the Left tried to “Californize” Virginia’s elections

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HANS VON SPAKOVSKY, Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow, Messe Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation, Co-Author, “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” and “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk” @HvonSpakovsky

  • How the Left tried to “Californize” Virginia’s elections
  • Hans von Spakovsky: Last year, using COVID as an excuse, liberal advocacy groups sued states all across the country, arguing that, “because of COVID-19 you shouldn’t be able to enforce your voter ID law. Because of COVID-19 you shouldn’t do signature comparison on absentee ballots…”
  • Spakovsky: “This idea that there’s this wave of voter suppression across going on…is a propaganda myth created by the Left because it’s a way of opposing any kind of reforms they don’t like”

ROBER ROBINSON, President and CEO, RWR Advisory Group, Former Senior Director of International Economic Affairs, White House (1982-1985), Former Chairman, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Co-Founder, Prague Security Studies Institute

  • Roger Robinson: Not one Chinese company of the over 5,000 in our markets is compliant with U.S. federal securities laws today that American companies must abide by
  • Robinson: “The American people are not going to sit by and watch their hard-earned retirement dollars continue to be invested in Chinese companies that are aiding and abetting genocide, trafficking slave labor….”

Secure Freedom Radio with Roger Robinson | Nov. 5, 2021

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