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On his radio show today, Frank Gaffney spoke with Jed Babbin, the former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for the George H.W. Bush administration. Their conversation focused on the current FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton and one thing came through crystal clear; Hillary Clinton is damaged goods.

When Gaffney asked for Babbin’s summation of the email scandal, he responded:

“We found out a long time ago that many of the communications she had on her private email system contained classified information and we know that that system was set up for a corrupt purpose. It was set up to avoid the limitations of what she could do with a State Department government system and frankly to avoid the restrictions on classified information.”

Babbin went on to suggest that what was going on with Hillary’s emails had to have been known outside the State Department. Just by reading her strings of email communications, they had to know that she was using an unclassified server and no one objected even though they had a duty to do so.

Gaffney and Babbin discussed the obvious security issue and the risk this put on the lives of people in the intelligence community.

As bad as all that is, the even more damning issue for Mrs. Clinton is what Gaffney referred to as her “pay-to-play” operations while serving in the State Department and the suspicion that Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation may have benefited from her role as secretary of state.

Babbin suggested that this is the more damaging and less discussed aspect of the current investigation.

“We’re looking at an investigation where you may have 150 FBI agents involved… about half of them are working on the public corruption side, forget the business of the emails. They’re looking at things like whether Mrs. Clinton as secretary of state made decisions which could have or would have benefited her husband or the Clinton family foundation in terms of monetary income. If she made a decision, for example, to help some government and in return they had a situation where they pay another $500,000 for a Bill Clinton speech in some remote corner of the world, that’s illegal.”

Finally, Gaffney asked Babbin for his opinion on whether the Department of Justice would do anything if the FBI recommended prosecution. Babbin suggested that if the FBI makes a recommendation and the Justice Department ignores it that we could see some “very high profile resignations” at the FBI in order to force the issue.

This is not a good look for someone who’s running for president. Hillary Clinton has bigger things to worry about than Bernie Sanders.

Secure Freedom Radio

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