Ace investigative reporter Paul Sperry has uncovered one of Hillary Clinton’s most worrying legacies as Secretary of State: She reversed many of the measures put into place after 9/11 to protect the United States from additional Saudi jihadist attacks.

For example, Mrs. Clinton permitted huge increases in visas issued to young male Saudis coming to America as “students,” with many of them studying “aviation.” Sound familiar?

Then, Hillary inked a deal with the Saudi government to give their nationals “trusted traveler” status. That meant they would be subject to less visa scrutiny than even citizens of Germany or France and no monitoring after they got here.

Did Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide from Saudi Arabia, have anything to do with such disastrous decisions? Or are they a reflection of Hillary’s own willful blindness about jihad?

Read Paul Sperry’s report at

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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