Hillary’s Pay-for-Play Tenure as Secretary of State

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With Jed Babbin, Dr. Mark Moyar, Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, and Andy McCarthy

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With Jed Babbin, Dr. Mark Moyar, Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, and Andy McCarthy

JED BABBIN, Former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense in George H.W. Bush Administration, Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research:

  • Assessing the damage of former Secretary Clinton’s private e-mail account to human intelligence
  • Hillary Clinton’s pay-for-play tenure as Secretary of State
  • Is FBI Director Comey likely to resign if Hillary is not indicted?

Dr. MARK MOYAR, Visiting Scholar at the Foreign Policy Initiative, member of the Hoover Institution Working Group on the Role of Military History on Contemporary Conflict:

  • Assessment of the on-the-ground situation in Afghanistan
  • Is Afghanistan conflict still considered a war?
  • Continued cooperation between Al-Qaeda and the Taliban
  • Level of U.S. support needed to help the Afghans maintain a degree of control

Dr. VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, weekly columnist at National Review:

  • Obama administration’s appeasement of Putin
  • Consequences of immigration crisis for Europe
  • How a national implementation of California immigration policies would change America
  • What it would mean for homeland security if the Afghan government fell

ANDY McCARTHY, former federal prosecutor:

  • Levels of classification for government emails
  • Holding Hillary Clinton accountable
  • Obama’s upcoming visit to a Baltimore mosque
  • Ted Cruz’s Iowa Caucus victory
Secure Freedom Radio

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