But there is one front and one battle where everyone in the United States-every man, woman, and child-is in action, and will be privileged to remain in action throughout this war. That front is right here at home, in our daily lives, in our daily tasks.           

– Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1942

The goal of The Home Front Project is to ensure our troops and their mission are supported by the American public and to fight the actions of those organizations that seek to weaken or impede our armed forces. Current areas of action include:

a) Supporting our Troops and the Homefont– The Center works to highlight the service and heroism of our soldiers, sailors, airman, marines, and coastguardsmen in the War on Terror and publicizes the actions of Americans who are doing their part on the Homefront to support them.

b) Counter Anti-Military Group Actions– Anti-military, anti-American, and anti-business groups have formed large coalitions to undermine support for the military and its mission on the Home Front. These groups have hindered military recruiting efforts, attacked DoD contractors as war profiteers, and seek to undo the Patriot Act. The Center has joined and led numerous coalitions to counter the activities of these groups.


c) Engage the American Public to Understand We are at War–  We should not repeat the mistake of Korea and Vietnam by labeling our current conflict a “police action”, a “stabilization”, or a “struggle for freedom”. Our soldiers and Marines are fighting and dying, to call it anything less than a war negatively impacts their morale and discredits their service. The nation must not lose sight of the fact we are in a war declared on us by radical Islamists and cannot afford to falter in supporting our overall mission.

d) Research Policy Decisions that Affect the Civil-Military Relationship– The Center does original research on issues that have of the political and social implications that may affect the general public’s understanding and support of our armed forces.

For me, the tragedy of Vietnam was the divisions that occurred in the United States that made it, in the end, impossible to achieve an outcome that was compatible with the sacrifices that had been made…The United States faces a similar situation with Iraq and it would be a catastrophe for the whole world if it fails. 

             – Henry Kissinger, 2005

 e) Ensure Laws or Treaties are not Made to Weaken or Impede our Armed Forces – Environmental laws that supersede national security concerns and building encroachment around military bases has caused reductions in the type and frequency of training our military can conduct. The Center advocates against these damaging restrictions so that we can preserve our military’s basic need for realistic training. The Center also opposes international agreements and treaties that seek to impede and constrain the U.S. military, such as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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