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The phenomenon of second marriages has been called “the triumph of hope over experience.” President Obama’s just-released “blueprint” for closing Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is the triumph of “hope and change” over terrible experience.

Many of the remaining detainees will simply be sent elsewhere with the hope they won’t return to the fight. The rest will be sent to as-yet-unidentified facilities here in the United States.

There are several problems: Roughly 30 percent of Guantanamo’s detainees released to date have returned to jihad. We don’t need to reinforce that global threat with more rock stars.

It is also against the law to bring Gitmo’s detainees to the United States. Period. The military has said it won’t obey an illegal order. The states involved must not help implement one, either.

Don’t give jihadists more encouraging changes or hope.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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