House of Representatives to Vote on Bill to give President Sweeping Authority with Little Oversight

The House of Representatives is reportedly poised to vote on so-called Trade Promotion Authority (TPA, also known as Fast-Track Authority), a bill recently passed by the Senate that would effectively reduce the Congress to a rubber-stamp on trade deals for the next five years and, most immediately, assure approval of the one President Obama has nearly finished negotiating with Asian nations: the TransPacific Partnership (TPP).  Senator Jeff Sessions has, characteristically, done what every legislator should do — he has performed a rigorous and critical analysis of the emerging “trade” accord and found it to be seriously defective.  A particularly useful critique can be found here (

In a column last week (, Wall Street Journal editorial board member Daniel Henninger described the context in which Congress is considering this action — a pattern of abdications of its constitutional authorities that is functionally remaking our government.  While Mr. Henninger does not specifically cite TPA or TPP, they certainly fit the pattern, and make it effectively irreversible.  Indeed, adoption of Fast-Track Authority would virtually assure approval of what amounts to a sweeping, sovereignty-sapping charter for world government that is masquerading as a trade deal.  Consequently, In his Secure Freedom Minute ( today, Center President Frank Gaffney urges Congress to withhold Fast Track Authority from President Obama.
Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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