Editor’s note: This article, which mentions Center President Fred Fleitz, was originally published in American Greatness
The leftist alliance is inherently unstable because—outside of hatred, pompous virtue-signaling, and a desire for power—exceedingly little holds it together.
Although the American Left can act in a unified fashion to cancel its opposition and more recently to attempt to steal a presidential election from Donald Trump, it may not embrace compatible interests. I was reminded of this last week while reading former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz. A keen observer of the intelligence community, Fleitz urges Trump, if reelected, to depoliticize “the Intelligence Community’s massive and lumbering bureaucracy.” Further: “A Biden team would be likely to greatly expand the Obama administration’s abusive politicization of intelligence and use it to target political enemies.”
What we are being warned against is a particularly dangerous element of the deep state, which aided the Obama Administration in creating and pushing the Russian collusion narrative. This part of the deep state under FBI Director Christopher Wray conspicuously stalled in investigating Joe and Hunter Biden’s play-for-pay activities.
Meanwhile Wray’s allies in the electronic media empire and in the rest of what Trump aptly calls “the lying media” labored mightily to erase any evidence of the Bidens’ glaring corruption. The media joined in the game by ascribing these shady activities to “Russian disinformation,” a fabrication to which it doggedly clung up until the election.
Other high-placed allies have joined the crusade against Trump, from NeverTrump Republicans like Bill Kristol and his neocon pals, to woke capitalists, many of whom are associated with Goldman Sachs and other investment banks.
My point is not to single out all these players so much as to underline the diverse nature of those who worked toward Trump’s defeat and the elevation of his enemies. This alliance is based for the most part on convenience. Therefore, if the participants manage to grab the presidency, after extended court proceedings, they may have to decide whose interests take priority.
Like Black Lives Matter, Bill Kristol, Seth Mandel, and Max Boot may all grouse about “racism” and “xenophobia” in Trump’s America; nonetheless, they and their black racist allies have dramatically different plans for this country. While Kristol and Boot and the Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin are keen on putting quintessential neocons in charge of American foreign policy, their comrades in arms want to punish white people, pull down more monuments, and spit on the American flag.
Is former Goldman Sachs president Harvey Schwartz, who was drenching the Bided-Harris campaign with megabucks, really a fan of the socialist planks of the Biden-Sanders Democratic platform? I doubt he is any more of one than Bill Kristol or Jonah Goldberg. Perhaps Schwartz has been assured (temporarily) that he and his company will be spared the tax hikes necessary to pay for such schemes as the Green New Deal, reparations for slavery, and free healthcare for illegal aliens.
Are the corporate executives, who go along with nagging feminist wives in backing the social Left, also fans of Black Lives Matter? Do they believe that Antifa is only an “idea”? And are they keen on defunding the police, who otherwise would be protecting their apartment houses and offices against this “idea” and its riotous consequences? Are these executives happy that the Biden team helped bail out rioters and put them back on the streets? Perhaps their own security forces may not suffice to keep away these Democratic marauders when they stray into plush neighborhoods.
I doubt the soccer moms around here who are blithely flying rainbow coalition flags would enjoy a visit from the Antifa “idea.” And what happens when black toughs turn on effeminate LGBT activists and start calling them “white fags”? This will happen as quickly and inevitably as when the Nazis turned on the Communists after the two forces collaborated in destroying the Weimar Republic.
And will my fellow Jews—only 12 percent of whom, according to polls, are concerned about being threatened by the Left (as opposed to 51 percent who seem terrified by the white Christian Right)—continue to believe that Al Sharpton and his friends are their allies against a common white enemy? Even such delusional attitudes may change quickly if radicalized BLM activists are given more control of American cities.
Of course, there may be no cure for terminal self-delusion.
Likely the Left’s alliance system would be severely tested if it wins control of the presidency, which the Democrats are now trying to do with questionable mail-in ballots. The triumphant Democratic leadership will then face the daunting task of holding an unwieldy and, in my view, implausible alliance system together. Admittedly the Left is large and dangerous and will work tirelessly to overturn our freedoms and to reconstruct and poison what remains of traditional communities. But this leftist alliance is inherently unstable because—outside of hatred, pompous virtue-signaling, and a desire for power—exceedingly little holds it together.
I also wouldn’t rule out the possibility that if the black racists and their white thug associates become too troublesome, the less radical elements of the leftist coalition might move with extreme force against their onetime “peaceful protesters.” And they could always blame “right-wing extremists” for any decision to get tough.