Hung Cao: The US Military’s budget does not account for record high inflation – Why?

With Amb. Pete Hoekstra, Tara O and Hung Cao
AMB. PETE HOEKSTRA, former Congressman (1993-2011), Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District, former US Ambassador to the Netherlands (2017-2021), Fellow, Center for Security Policy, @Petehoekstra
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TARA O, Founder, East Asia Research Center, Former U.S. Air Force Officer, Republic of Korea-U.S. Command, @DrTaraO
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HUNG CAO, U.S. Navy Captain (Ret.), Special Operations, Congressional Candidate, VA-10, @HungCaoCongress
- Hung Cao addresses the negative consequences record high inflation will have on the U.S. military’s budget, “Every year when we write the budget, we expect a 2% inflation increase. But this year, right now, we’re at 8.5%…And that in a $700 billion budget, that equates to about $46 billion. And in terms of ships and aircraft, we’re talking about four aircraft carriers or that’s the same as 38 guided missile destroyers or 335 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.”
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