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John Kerry has betrayed his country. Repeatedly. He must be impeached.

As a self-promoting anti-war veteran, he worked with the North Vietnamese Communists to undermine and defeat our nation. When that appalling misconduct was irradiated by his fellow Swift Boaters during the 2004 election campaign, Kerry was repudiated at the polls.

Now, John Kerry has once again been holding secret negotiations with another enemy of the United States: jihadist Iran. Unsurprisingly, the results are a one-sided agreement that does not actually bind, let alone disarm, the mullahs. Instead, it rewards them with hundreds of billions of dollars to intensify their ability to bring “Death to America.”

John Kerry’s latest handiwork will get more Americans killed. It violates his oath of office and betrays once again his country. He must be repudiated and impeached.

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