With Adm. Ace Lyons, Dan Blumenthal, David Goldman and Robert Ramano

ADM. JAMES ‘ACE’ LYONS, Former Commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Served as Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations from 1983-1985:

  • Will NK ever fully denuclearize?
  • Could Russia play a peaceful role on the Korean peninsula?
  • Drugs & political warfare

DAN BLUMENTHAL, Director of Asian Studies and Resident Fellow at AEI:

  • Prospects of North Korean summit
  • China’s influence on the Pyongyang issue
  • Dangers of the China-Russia relationship

DAVID GOLDMAN, Founder and CEO of ChangeUp Media LLC, His writing has appeared at TheFederalist.com City Journal and Conservative Review, 2015 Publius Fellow to the Claremont Institute:

  • Consequences of current governing crisis in Italy
  • Germany & Italy: An unlikely coalition
  • The immigration issue in Europe

ROBERT RAMANO, Vice President of Public Policy at Americans for Limited Government:

  • China’s attack on US intellectual property and assets
  • Why ports are essential to US national security

Secure Freedom Radio

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