Insufficient Verification Weakens Support of Iran Deal
With Amb. Eric Edelman, Alan Dershowitz, Guy Taylor, Dr. Luis Fleischman
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With Amb. Eric Edelman, Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Guy Taylor, Dr. Luis Fleischman
Amb. ERIC EDELMAN, Former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and Former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey and Finland:
- Anxiety over the Iran deal despite the White House saying it has world support
- Expert disagreement with what the president has said in regards to verification and compliance
- American Jewish population opposition to the deal
- Greater U.S. interests in the Middle East
Prof. ALAN DERSHOWITZ, Author of “The Case Against the Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran From Getting Nukes?”:
- False premise that this nuclear deal will change Iranian society for the better
- Nuclear deal increasing the likelihood of all out war in the Middle East
- Why Tehran’s signing bonus could be considered illegal
- Why the left is characterizing Senator Chuck Schumer as a traitor
GUY TAYLOR, National Security Team Leader at The Washington Times:
- The status of the administration’s Iran deal “sales campaign” on Capitol Hill
- The effect of the IAEA’s upcoming report on the conventional arms and ballistic missile restrictions on Iran
- Russia’s relationship with the mullahs and its involvement with hacking U.S. national security officials’ emails
Dr. LUIS FLEISCHMAN, Senior Advisor to the Center for Security Policy’s Menges Hemispheric Security Project, editor of its “Americas Report”:
- Upcoming Argentinian primary election showcasing the power of the ruling Kirchner government
- Falkland Wars as a symbol of nationalism against western imperialism
- Hezbollah increasing its presence in Latin America with help from the Venezuelan government